Hello! My name is Luke Heine, and I am a second year student at SDSU. I am a History Major as well as a member of the Weber Honors College. From a very young age, I was enamored with both art and reading, and in comics I found a medium which married these two passions. I love how graphic visuals compliment the written word to produce a powerful and impactful narrative which keeps your eyes glued to the page. Out of the countless comics I’ve read, from superhero books to funny strip collections, it’s hard to pick a favorite! Each brings its creators’ unique style and vision to the page. However, if I had to pick just one, I would have to choose the original run of Spider-man by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko which began with Amazing Fantasy #15. Spider-man’s story was Peter Parker’s from the start, and I loved the blend of action, comedy, and emotion that his stories encompassed.
I first got involved with comics at SDSU through Professor Pollard’s “History 157: Comics and History” class. It was an amazing experience where I learned all about the components of a comic and some of the most important comics in the medium’s past and present. I’m now excited to be working on behalf of Professor Pollard and SDSU Librarian Pamela Jackson to highlight what SDSU’s Special Collections have to offer!